
Industry Forecast

HME Business 2016 Annual Industry Forecast

2016 Big Ten

Each year HME Business profiles 10 upcoming trends that will help define the industry over the next 12 months. To be certain, competitive bidding will be one of those factors. Others challenges include audits and protecting complex rehab. But 2016 also offers opportunities, as well, such as retail sales and revenue diversification.

Audit Appeal

Business Solutions

Winning the Audit Appeal Game

Medicare claims audits do not stop at claims being recouped. If anything the process just begins. As providers have realized early on in the process, many audits can and should be appealed. We talked to various experts to outline the appeals process and understand how providers can improve their chances through the various steps.

HME Business Award Winners

HME Business Award Winners

The Envelope, Please

Last year HME Business launched its New Product of the Year Award program. Now in our second year, we’ve enjoyed even better response. This year’s winners included compelling entries in categories such as mobility, respiratory, retail sales, auto access, home access, diabetic supplies, and business services. Learn more about the products and services that struck a chord with our judges.

HME Software

Products & Technology

Gears of Change

It's time for our annual software roundup, and this year we're looking at how the various IT tools available to providers are evolving to help them handle the changing challenges and trends impacting their businesses and patients. We profile not just the main HME management systems, but specialized IT offerings, as well.

competitive bidding expansion

Business Solutions

The Tip of the Spear

As CMS prepares for the nationwide expansion of competitive bidding, mobility providers find themselves at the tip of the spear. In addition to taking massive reimbursement cuts, CMS is using the opportunity to go after complex rehab — again. How can providers protect their businesses, as well as beneficiary access to medical equipment?

Measuring Performance

Products & Technology

Measuring Up

There's an old saying that, "what gets measured, gets managed," and that has become doubly true for HME providers who must find every possible efficiency in order to reduce the pressure of public and private payor reimbursement cuts. Experts examine the metrics against which providers can benchmark their business performance.

Respiratory providers

2016 Respiratory Market Outlook

Moving on, Moving up

Respiratory providers continue to traverse many challenges. But the aging population promises growth while new rules, audits, cuts and competitive bidding push providers to operate efficiently.

Business Solutions

Business Solutions

Win Win: Understanding Provider Mergers and Acquisitions

Is a merger or acquisition right for your business strategy? Industry experts share their expertise and experiences to help you successfully buy or sell an HME business.

Oxygen Market Survey

2015 Oxygen Market Survey

Oxygen Enjoys a Spike in Business Growth

In our eighth annual oxygen survey, respondents report a 12% increase in those enjoying business growth over the last 12 months.

Smart Strategy

Business Solutions

Setting a Smart Strategy

Providers face many challenges, but it’s time to turn the tables. Various experts assess the market and help determine how providers can set a smart course for success.

provider efficiencies

Business Solutions

Streamlined Providers

As providers have felt the pinch of increasing reimbursement cuts, as well as learned how to pursue new revenue-generating opportunities, they have had to learn how to protect their profit margins as much as possible. This means providers have learned how to increase efficiencies and cut costs from their operations. We look at some of the key ways providers can streamline their businesses

orthopedic retail option

Products & Technology

Unlocking New Retail Revenue: The Orthopedic Option

Retail sales have been an increasingly important element of providers' revenues. The key is to find niches that can help expand those cash sales receipts. Bearing that in mind, orthopedic softgoods and related offerings have become an important opportunity to expand retail revenues. We look at various aspects of serving this important market segment.

patient data

Business Solutions

A Measured Approach

Today's healthcare market is focused on driving down costs while improving outcomes. Concurrently, information technology has given providers reams of patient data. How can providers use this data to advance in the new healthcare landscape?

power mobility

Products & Technology

Mobility's Great Leap Forward

As mobility providers struggle with lower reimbursement rates and complete upending of their business models, the manufacturers of power mobility products are creating devices that address changing industry and care trends.

HME Retail Cash Sales

HME Retail Sales

HME Retail Avengers

HME providers are undergoing a transformation. Don your cape and don't be afraid to take the leap from retail novice to cash sales superhero status.

Retail Financials

HME Retail Sales

Retail Financials 101

As HME providers dig deeper into cash sales, they are discovering that the nuances of properly managing retail finances can pay big dividends.

sleep revenues

Business Solutions

The New Sleep Landscape: Should You Rest Easy?

Numerous factors challenge the sleep business, but it continues to see growth that some experts say will continue into the foreseeable future. The question is, how? We talk to a variety of sleep providers to learn about the innovative approaches they have developed to not only rise above market challenges, but expand their businesses, as well.

Information Technology Marketplace

Strategic Solutions

Software is a strategic business investment. We round up recent software offerings to help providers optimize and expand their businesses.

HME software

Information Technology

Your IT Check-Up

We examine fifteen methods that providers can use to get significantly more mileage out of their HME software investments.

HME IT Forecast

Information Technology

What the Future holds for HME IT

Some of the best IT minds in the industry examine what the future holds for HME software and how it will shape providers’ success.

HME Business Podcast