
Cash Sales Preparedness

Business Solutions

Cash Sales Preparedness

As a variety of reimbursement cuts drive down provider revenues to the point that turning a profi t practically becomes untenable, they need new revenue sources. Fortunately, retail sales offer them a way to revitalize their bottom line. The only hitch is that providers face a steep learning curve they must surmount in short order — especially with Round Two of competitive bidding looming. How can they prepare their businesses for this new challenge?

Fast Track to Retail

Product & Technology

The Fast Track to Retail

Many providers are ready and willing to dive into retail sales, but they need an entry point. We review some key product categories that offer providers easy entry points into cash sales. We review not only categories that offer the simplest and quickest avenues into retail, but also categories that offer a growth track toward more lucrative offerings as they gain experience and expertise.

Flexible Software for HME

Products & Technology Annual Software Roundup

A Foundation for Flexibility

HME software is becoming a strategic necessity for survival and success in this industry, especially when it comes to the run-up to Round Two of competitive bidding. Round Two’s sheer size makes it an unknown challenge. We look at features from today’s software offerings to see how they can help providers prepare now for a still-unfolding tomorrow .

Building a Multi-Talented Team

Business Solutions

Building a Multi-Talented Team

Providers are facing tough management challenges these days: not only do they have to lay off valued team members in the face of reimbursement cuts, but they must do so without crushing staff morale. Moreover, they must also learn how to inspire and motivate remaining employees to take on new responsibilities. What are the solutions?

Competitive Bidding Crossroads

Business Solutions

Competitive Bidding Crossroads

The industry finds itself at a crossroads when it comes to the fight against competitive bidding. The toxic program clearly needs to be repealed, but the current political environment might not be hospitable to that proposal. Can the industry live with a middle ground solution?

Respiratory providers competitive bidding

Respiratory and Sleep Funding Outlook

School of Hard Knocks

If Round Two wasn’t on respiratory providers’ radar, it probably is now, making it a good time to look at the recent past to peer into the near future.

Disease Management

Disease Management

Hard Decisions

To HME providers and the industry as a whole, disease management has become a casualty of cuts, caps and competitive bidding.

HME/DME provider software

Products & Technology

Searching for Smoother Sailing

As providers strive to find new efficiencies and cut costs in a downward trending funding environment, software has come to the fore as a key tool to accomplish those goals — so much so that it is often reshaping entire HME business processes. We look at software’s impact on HME workflow and explore the workfl ow features available from various software offerings on the market.

HME Software and Technology Workflow Features

HME software offerings improve HME providers’ workflow to create more efficient and more cost-effective business processes.


Sneak Peek: Medtrade Fall 2011

Medtrade Fall 2011 is right around the corner, bringing a jam-packed conference schedule and new special exhibits to Atlanta.

HME private payor funding

Business Solutions

Private Payor Private Party

Many HME providers have included private payor funding as an essential part of their business, and many more providers have been turning to the private insurance market in recent years as Medicare funding has been repeatedly cut. However consolidation and single-provider deals are making the private payor market increasingly difficult. How are HME businesses coping?

HME getting a boost

Business Solutions

Getting a Boost

The value proposition of member service organizations and buying groups is clear: leverage group purchasing power, as well as additional education and other services aimed at helping member companies grow. We take a look at three key MSOs in the industry to review the sorts of services they offer to HME providers.

Big Hit

Business Solutions

Oxygen Outlook: The Next Big Hit

They say that change can be good, but not when it comes to the oxygen services market. Years of major upheavals stacked on top of each other have added up to a heavy burden indeed for respiratory providers. Yet, somehow they have managed to survive and reinvent themselves. Can they do the same in Rounds One and Two of competitive bidding?

How to Improve your Delivery Operations Management

HMEs must find ways that they can increase efficiency for their delivery operations. Fortunately, there are a couple key technologicalsolutions at hand that can help them.

How to Establish Your Business as a Home Accessibility Authority

As the needs for home access increase, savvy providers need ways to tap into this burgeoning segment.

How to Improve your Funding/Claims Performance

Dedicated software systems help provider become masters of efficient billing and claims processing.

How to Enlist Patients to Help Your Government Affairs Efforts

Patients are providers' best political ally. Here are some ways to mobilize them.

How to Protect your Business from Medicare Claims Audits

Pre- and post-payment audits are plaguing providers, and there are some key things they can do to shield themselves.

How to Determine Mobility Patients’ Cushion Needs

For patients that spend their days in mobility devices, they must have the right cushion.

How to Ensure the Best Therapy Outcomes Using a CPM

CPM machines are considered advantageous for post-surgical treatment. How can providers help ensure the best results.

HME Business Podcast