Supporting Backs & Abs During Pregnancy

Backache is the most common complaint during pregnancy. It is most often caused by a strain put on the back muscles by the growing uterus pulling downward and forward. Moms pregnant with twins experience the same changes but twice as fast. Abdominal and back supports give tired tummy and back muscles the lift and support they need to minimize straining and hurting.

Pregnant mothers should not exercise to lose weight during pregnancy and every woman should ask her doctor for some general guidelines for a safe and healthy exercise program geared to her special needs during pregnancy.

A good back and tummy support is not only popular, but necessary to the present day's pregnancy wardrobe. A growing number of doctors, nurses and health care professionals now, more than ever, routinely recommend abdominal and back supports to their pregnant patients. Maternity supports are commonly thought to prevent back injury during pregnancy when combined with other factors.

Advances in fertility research may have some bearing on the recent rise in the incidence of twins, triplets and multiple pregnancies. Back and tummy supports are a necessity for these moms as they gain weight incrementally faster than single pregnancies.

The routine use of supports for pregnant women is on the rise because of active lifestyles. Single mothers are a significant segment of the population who find pregnancy supports to be an essential addition to their wardrobe. They make up a large percentage of single income households. Many times, a single mom may need support while she stays on her feet to care for other siblings at home.

Today, more than ever there is an increasing desire to achieve physical fitness. Exercise during pregnancy is recommended by doctors to help their patients look and feel better, help their posture, and lessen discomforts like backaches and fatigue. The goal of exercise during pregnancy should be to reach or keep a level of fitness that is safe. Pregnant mothers should not exercise to lose weight during pregnancy and every woman should ask her doctor for some general guidelines for a safe and healthy exercise program geared to her special needs during pregnancy. During pregnancy, exercise programs may need to be modified because of changes in center of balance and relaxation of the joints in preparation to childbirth. Women are wearing back and tummy supports during their exercise program to help support the already stretching muscles. During pregnancy, the back is affected not only by the pulling forward of the abdomen but the pressure against the spine from the inside as the baby grows and the uterus pushes outward symmetrically.

A growing number of doctors, nurses and health care professionals now, more than ever, routinely recommend abdominal and back supports to their pregnant patients.

After one full term pregnancy, tummy muscles are stretched and they often are not as supportive for the next pregnancy. A newly purchased small balloon takes considerable pressure to blow up. However, the same balloon the second time it is filled with air is much less resistant to the same amount of pressure. The uterus and tummy muscles react much in the same way. For each time the same woman becomes pregnant, there is a greater tendency for those muscles to expand earlier on in the pregnancy and the need to support those sagging muscles happens earlier on as well.

The weight of the uterus bearing down on the pelvic bones can sometimes cause a painful separation between the bones that can feel excruciating. Back and tummy supports lift weight from the pelvic cradle and keep the uterus from bouncing on those painful ligaments.

A wide selection of maternity back and abdominal supports are available in several styles. They are designed to support the back and tummy as well as different parts of the body to further the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy. Today's father-to-be is becoming more active in making sure that the mother of his child receives the best care for her delicate condition. It is not unusual for a husband to pick up the phone and order a maternity support for his pregnant wife. Grandmothers and friends often choose maternity supports as gifts for their pregnant loved ones.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Pregnancy Supports

A conscious sense of being compressed or having tension on the lower abdomen should never be the goal in fitting. Rather effectiveness can be evidenced by a comfort level that measures a reduction of painful symptoms. Look for a reduction of abdominal, back or hip straining. Also look for a response that indicates there is an increased ability or ease in standing up straighter.

Different Types Available

Back supports are available in many styles from simple belts to torso supports. Simple, adjustable belts give support to the lower tummy with pull to the hips and lower back. These are usually economical in price and every pregnant mom can wear one.

Some bands require compression in order to lift the abdomen. These usually have a broad lower back support, but tend to put pressure on the tops of the thighs when the wearer sits.

There are also panty type supports with an elasticized band sewn in and non-panty supports. Panty supports need to be adjusted during bathroom breaks.

There are supports that cover the abdomen and some do not. Open abdomen supports have the advantage of allowing for air circulation and frequent skin moisturizing. Open abdomen supports are also cooler in warmer climates.

Some back and tummy supports have bras built into the device. These are sized to the support itself. Due to the changes in the breasts during pregnancy, however, a good bra does more to support the increase in size of the breasts during pregnancy. A woman may need more than one size in order to accommodate her growth during each pregnancy. There are many companies that specialize in designing and manufacturing good, supportive bras. Some supports are available that have a large back portion and come around the hips to support the lower abdomen.

Full torso supports are also available that lift the weight from the pelvic cradle. A full torso abdominal and back support may have an open abdomen which promotes the baby's comfort, allows for air circulation and permits frequent skin moisturizing.

Construction Elements

From the simple strap to the full leotard, a common component is elasticized materials. Elastic by nature is the fabric replica of a stretching muscle and the support it gives is like having two muscles, side by side, one giving support to the other. It is not surprising, given the nature of elastic, that it is so comfortable that women forget they have it on. Pain generally subsides while wearing this type of support.

Velcro-type closures or hooks and eyes are sometimes added for adjustment purposes. Hooks and eyes tend to work well and do not snag on expensive clothing or stockings.

It is increasingly evident that back and tummy supports play an important part role in maintaining the comfort and health of pregnant moms today. Many women come into stores asking for them. Stores not currently carrying them should consider maternity supports to satisfy their customers and keep them coming back. The evidence is overwhelming that back and tummy supports are here to stay and for many women make a world of difference in their comfort during pregnancy.

This article originally appeared in the April 2004 issue of HME Business.

About the Authors

Patrick Smyth is the CEO of Safetytoes International Inc. of Toronto, Canada. He is an avid promoter of personal safety at work and home. His product, the 'Slipp-R'©, is made in Canada. For information, call 800-441-5481.

Vaikko Allen is an environmental scientist at Vortechnics.

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