Respiratory Management July/August 2009

Respiratory Management July/August 2009


Case Studies

Respiratory Patients Success Stories

When the going gets tough, sometimes motivation comes in the last place we thing to look — with the patients we see every day. Respiratory Management asked patients to share their challenges and how home care equipment changed their lives. Here are their success stories.

Point & Counterpoint

Industry Experts Square Off on Sleep Topics

Respiratory Management asked experts in the sleep field to discuss their points of view on several controversial sleep topics impacting home respiratory providers and respiratory therapists. The idea was to gain insight by getting the perspective of the HME provider/RT and the sleep physician. Two experts in sleep education moderated the debate. Here’s what they had to say regarding the new compliance landscape; the role of auto PAP and titration; the new RT sleep specialty and bi-level therapy.


Funding Focus

Having a Follow-Up Plan Helps Foster Compliance

By Kelly Riley

CMS has placed the bar for PAP compliance as usage of four plus hours over 70 percent of nights within any consecutive 30- day period. While certainly not meeting the test of scientific validity, it offers a place to start.

Provider Perspective

Maryland Provider Launches Web Site to Promote Service

RM spoke with Mark Richardson, president, and Bob O’Connor, vice president, Home MediServe.

HME Business Podcast