
There are two must-haves for providers specializing in compression: a wide range of custom product options for customers and product expertise that can guide a patient toward the right sock or sleeve. A balanced combination of the two will bring in lifelong customers whose reorders can help an HME provider survive rough waters, including the tight economic times during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Because the compression market caters to both patients with chronic conditions and people who work long hours on their feet, there are many opportunities for providers to connect with customers through a wide range of products and services. Patient populations typically seeking compression include diabetics, lymphedema patients and elderly people with venous diseases. In addition, workers and athletes are seeking lighter compression hosiery and sleeves so they can boost circulation in their extremities and diminish swelling.

This burgeoning customer base explains why providers must consistently update their compression garment offerings with a variety of sizes, colors and styles. Beyond focusing on expanding retail sales, providers should also look to develop their expertise through compression fitter classes and online training with manufacturers so patients keep coming back for more products that give them consistent results.

Providers also have the opportunity to try new technology options that measure customers with minimal contact involved – a potentially crucial tool during an era where close contact with vulnerable patients may not be possible for months to come. To learn more about the latest products and services available on the compression market, read the sampling provided below.

Arion North America Inc

Easy-Slide Kids

Easy-Slide Kids

Application Offers Easy Donning of Stockings for Kids

  • Easy-Slide Kids makes it easy for small children up to 6 years old to easily place compression stockings on arms or legs.
  • Material is smooth, providing a significant reduction in friction.
  • Slide solution makes it easy to use.
  • 866-95-ARION

Arion North America Inc

Slide Solution

Slides Help Patients Caregivers Don, Doff Compression Garments

Donning and doffing therapeutic compression stockings and tights can be a difficult, daily task for patients and caregivers. Arion’s Slide Solution are designed to alleviate the problems that are encountered when donning and doffing compression stockings and tights with open or closed toe. The Slide Solution products are made from smooth material, which has been treated with a special coating. These properties create an ultra-smooth aid that reduces friction, which minimizes the physical strain otherwise experienced by caregivers and patients. In turn, this has a positive effect on the therapy compliance of patients.

  • 866-95-ARION

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