American Association for Homecare Announces Leadership Change

The American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) has announced that the board of directors and Kay Cox have reached a joint decision that she will step down as president and CEO.

"We thank Kay for all of her efforts in furthering the interests of our members and we wish her all the best in her new endeavors," said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare chairman and CEO of Homecare Concepts.

"The timing of the change allows the board to evaluate the operational model of the association to ensure that it furthers the legislative and regulatory needs of our diverse membership," said Todd Brason, AAHomecare vice chair and CEO of Willcare. "We remain committed to the fact that the industry needs to be represented by one face and one voice."

According to Michael Reinemer, vice president for communications and policy, "the association is just beginning the search process and hopes to have someone in that slot within the next three to six months."

In a letter to AAHomecare members Ryan said, "We have formed a search committee and will move diligently to fill this position. I can assure you that AAHomecare will continue its efforts on the critical issues facing the industry during this interim period. We have a great team working within AAHomecare."


This article originally appeared in the March 2006 issue of HME Business.

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