October 2015 Respiratory Management

Respiratory Management October 2015


Respiratory providers

2016 Respiratory Market Outlook

Moving on, Moving up

By Joseph Duffy

Respiratory providers continue to traverse many challenges. But the aging population promises growth while new rules, audits, cuts and competitive bidding push providers to operate efficiently.

Oxygen Market Survey

2015 Oxygen Market Survey

Oxygen Enjoys a Spike in Business Growth

By Joseph Duffy

In our eighth annual oxygen survey, respondents report a 12% increase in those enjoying business growth over the last 12 months.


Portable Oxygen Marketplace

Portable Oxygen Solutions

By Joseph Duffy

As portability demonstrates both a business and a therapeutic upside, the range of product options is getting broader -- and more interesting.

Respiratory Success in 2016

Respiratory experts offer some strategic suggestions that every respiratory provider should consider to build their businesses in 2016.

HME Business Podcast