September 2015 HME Business

September 2015


provider efficiencies

Business Solutions

Streamlined Providers

By David Kopf

As providers have felt the pinch of increasing reimbursement cuts, as well as learned how to pursue new revenue-generating opportunities, they have had to learn how to protect their profit margins as much as possible. This means providers have learned how to increase efficiencies and cut costs from their operations. We look at some of the key ways providers can streamline their businesses

orthopedic retail option

Products & Technology

Unlocking New Retail Revenue: The Orthopedic Option

By Joseph Duffy

Retail sales have been an increasingly important element of providers' revenues. The key is to find niches that can help expand those cash sales receipts. Bearing that in mind, orthopedic softgoods and related offerings have become an important opportunity to expand retail revenues. We look at various aspects of serving this important market segment.


Editor's Note

HME's New Trailblazers

By David Kopf

Pursuing retail sales has helped providers to think creatively and be open minded. And when it comes down to thinking creatively, that mean providers must explore new market opportunities.

Observation Deck

The Interoperability Imperative

By Dave Cormack

HME providers must implement bi-directional data communications with other healthcare providers -- now. Snooze and you’ll lose relevance.

Provider Strategy

esMD: Your Secret Weapon

By Ellen Sluder

CMS offers a key methodology to help providers follow-up on documentation requests for audits, PMD prior authorization and appeals.


Problem Solvers

Sharpening Sleep Monitoring

By David Kopf

How sleep providers can improve their patient monitoring programs in order to improve outcomes — and referral partner relationships.

Successful Orthopedic Cash Sales

By Joseph Duffy

HME veteran and retail expert Jim Greatorex, Business Development, VGM Retail Services, shares tips for a successful cash orthopedic soft goods product line.

Product Solutions

Sports Rehab/Therapy

By David Kopf

One of those niches is The sports therapy/rehab niche lets providers leverage their knowledge and access to the right products in order to cement solid relationships with a new client segment.

Ramping up Retail Marketing

By David Kopf

In the same way that providers must get clever in terms of targeting new retail sales niches, such as orthopedic products, they must also get clever about how they market their retail business.

Medtrade Preview

Medtrade Preview

HME Goes Back to School

By David Kopf

As students return to school, providers return to this year's edition of Medtrade to take advantage of the event's professional education opportunities.

HME Business Podcast