
Upcoming Ask the Contractor Calls Address End of COVID-19 PHE

Ask the Contractor (ACT) teleconferences scheduled for May 9 and May 12 will address the upcoming end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The DME Provider Outreach and Education team said in a May 3 bulletin that suppliers will have the opportunity to ask questions as part of the calls. Register for the May 9 call (6 p.m. Eastern) or May 12 (10:30 a.m. Eastern) ACT events via the CGS Web site

Study: People with Eczema & Asthma Are More Likely to Develop Osteoarthritis

A new study published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases described a correlation between asthma and eczema and the risk of developing osteoarthritis. The American Journal of Managed Care reported that patients with both asthma and eczema were at 1.15 times greater risk to develop osteoarthritis within eight years.

About the Author

Laurie Watanabe is the editor of Mobility Management. She can be reached at [email protected].

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