Sunrise Medical Launches Tilt and Recline Seating System

The JAY Syncra system includes specially engineered cushions and back shells for patients to minimize movement while reclining.

To help wheelchair users avoid body displacement and increase comfort while reclining, Sunrise Medical has launched its new JAY Syncra Seating System for SEDEO Pro seat frames.

The system combines a scalloped back shell and a cushion with a lowered pelvic wall and deep femoral troughs to keep the body in the right position while the chair is tilted or reclined. The company reported that the new addition to its product line gives clinicians better options when choosing the right seating product for clients.

“Many times therapists have to make sacrifices when adapting aftermarket seating to powered seat frames, but with JAY Syncra it eliminates the guesswork and helps ensure a proper fit,” said Jeff Rogers, director of power product management for Sunrise.

Also, to address the risk of pressure injuries, the Syncra cushion is equipped with patent pending Cryo fluid technology that can cool the patient’s skin for up to eight hours and lower the risk of moisture.

In addition, Sunrise plans to offer more positioning accessories for the seating system, such as lateral thigh supports and multiple upholstery options for the Syncra’s cushions and back supports.

About the Author

Haley Samsel is the Associate Content Editor of HME Business and Mobility Management.

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