At Home with Dealers

Company Name: DW Auto & Home Mobility

Location/Contact Info: N. Garth Ave. Columbia, MO 65203; (800) 568-2271

Established: 1967:Vehicle modifications; 1993: Basic Power and DME; 2003:High-end rehab seating and positioning DME.

Types of products sold: Types of products sold: manual and power chairs, scooters, DME, home modification, vans and vehicle modifications and custom modifications of all of the above.

Size of Company: 17 employees. Home Health Products spoke with DW's owner, Collin Steenbergen.

Q: What sets your store apart?
A: DW Auto & Home Mobility is unique because we try and meet all of the needs of the disabled community. Customers can come to DW and get their vehicles, auto modifications, manual and power chairs — any DME they might need — as well as their home modifications all in one place. DW also has a licensed occupational therapist and orthotist on staff for seating and positioning, home evaluation and pressure wound care and prevention. DW is also known for the limitless custom modifications that can be made to meet the individual needs of the client.

Q: What components of your business are working well for you?
DW is well known throughout the Midwest for van sales and vehicle modifications, so that branch of business always remains strong. But as of late, chairs, DME, and seating and positioning have gathered steam, resulting is consistently growing sales.

Q:What is something you have learned from your experience in the HME industry?
I learned that first and foremost customer service is the key to success. Most customers come to us unhappy with their current providers' customer service. It seems to be a widespread problem throughout the HME industry. That is why at DW, we try to eat, sleep and breathe customer service.

Q: Do you think the HME industry is changing?
Yes, HME is a fast-growing industry, and the larger it becomes, the harder it is to keep up with products and technology that clients will benefit from. It is for this reason that DW sends employees to continuing education courses throughout the year; it is important to stay on top of the latest products and technology.

Q: How do you think the industry could be improved?
The people in this industry must understand that the decisions we make can have a profound effect on a person's health and quality of life. That is why we have to always look at what the customer needs first and look at our profit margins second.

Fun Fact: DW works closely with its sister company just two blocks away — MID-MO Orthotics & Prosthetics.

This article originally appeared in the October 2005 issue of HME Business.

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